aeolian harp


aeolian harp

tuulikannel, harppu.

Englannin sanakirja

aeolian harp (englanti > suomi)

  1. tuulikannel

aeolian harp englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä An open box over which strings are stretched that sound when the wind passes over them

  2. 1894, Ivan Dexter, Talmud: A Strange Narrative of Central Australia, published in serial form in Port Adelaide News and Lefevres Peninsula Advertiser'' (SA), Chapter III,

  3. (..) the noise made by the beating of the waves on the land and the sighing of the wind amongst the pendulous leaves—or rather pendant fringe of the casuarina or she-oak, those aeolian harps of the Australian bush, almost drowned their voices.
